Chocolate Meringues
Returning to my quest to provide recipes for you all to be able to create your own lavish afternoon tea I bring you chocolate meringues and yes whilst I hear you cry this is not British and why would this be included in a afternoon tea party, Well you would be absolutely right it is known to be of Swiss or French origins but has been noted to be mentioned in transcripts as early as the 17th century in Britain. So I'm guessing that by the time the Victorian era came around at the same time that afternoon teas became a class thing, the meringue Would have been very popular and well sought after among the upper classes.And would probably been included in any afternoon teas taken by the upper classes,even if it wasn't it is in our afternoon tea party, or am I just upgrading the afternoon tea party I told you it was lavish with the Addition of chocolate to the meringue even more so. In this recipe I cannot emphasise ...